How Do You Get Rid of Bunions on Your Feet?
Although that may appear to be the case, this appearance is a result of the metatarsal bone shifting out of place from the foot’s skeletal structure.
Studies show that 25% of individuals between the ages of 17 and 65 have a bunion. That percentage increases for individuals over 65; and also females. The untraditional posturing of the female foot while wearing high heels makes the population at greater risk for foot deformities.
If you aren’t sure if you have a bunion or not, symptoms include but are not limited to pain, inflammation, and noticeable bumps along the inside of your foot. Since this ailment progressively gets worse without treatment, it is vitally important to know your options if you find yourself dealing with bunions. For occurrences when the bunion is not causing a lot of pain, conservative nonsurgical treatments can be viable options.
Dr. Cunha from New York City mentions that addressing symptoms of bunions should be approached in a conservative manner. This is recommended because once the metatarsal bone shifts out of alignment, only surgery can fix the issue.
Simple habit changes such as not wearing shoes without socks and using arch support can tremendously alleviate the symptoms and onset of bunions. There are also bunion splints. These can be found at most drug stores and various online merchants. This footprint serves as a straightener for the big toe affected by the bunion.
Visiting a podiatrist can also assist you with properly addressing your foot deformity. These professionals utilize ultrasound and advanced technologies to electrically stimulate foot muscles and decrease inflammation of the joints.
Maintaining a healthy weight and staying off of your feet can also alleviate bunions. This is an important factor because the metatarsal bones play an important role in your body’s weight distribution. When searching for proper footwear, it is recommended to shop for shoes that are comfortably wide and have flexibility.
Top medical doctors in the world advise soaking your feet in warm water in addition to non-steroid anti-inflammatory medications for pain caused by bunions. Surgery is the optimal choice for those experiencing extreme pain caused by bunions.